Autodesk muudab tarkvara ostuprotsessi

16. septembrist 2024. a muutub Autodeski tarkvara ostmise protsess Euroopas. Peamine muudatus on see, et Autodesk esitab arve otse kliendile ja klient maksab Autodeskile.*

Mis jääb samaks?
Commuun OÜ on endiselt teie partner, kes teeb pakkumusi ja aitab valida tarkvara. Toetame teid uuele süsteemile üleminekul.
Commuun OÜ omab lepingut Graiteciga, kes on Euroopa suurim Autodeski edasimüüja.

Mis muutub?
Commuunilt küsitud pakkumus (New/Renewal/Flex litsentsidele) tuleb Autodeskilt e-kirjaga, mida saab vaadata ja tasuda Autodesk Account keskkonnas. Makseviisid: VISA, PayPal või arve alusel.

Kiire ülevaade ostuprotsessist Autodeski videos:

*Riigiettevõtete ja teatud toodetega ei muutu midagi.

Autodeski lepingute uuendamiste hindu kergitatakse

Alates 7. veebruarist 2024 tõstab Autodesk litsentside tavauuenduste hindu ca 5%.

PS! Autodeski tarkvara kasutajatele on hea uudis, et eelmisel aastal tegi Autodesk mugavamaks tarkvara haldamise. Iseteenindusest saab litsentside kasutuse kohta palju rohkem infot ja tavalepingute omanikel on võimalik Autodeski toodetesse ja teenustesse sisselogimiseks kasutada sama emaili ja salasõna, mis on kasutusel organisatsiooni enda teenustesse sisselogimisel (Autodesk Single sign-on (SSO)).

Küsi lisainfot Kairelt või 5183618

Autodeski kiirkampaania – AEC ja PDM Collection, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT Revit LT Suite, Fusion

Autodeski kampaania kehtib uutele 1- või 3-aastastele tellimustele. Aktiveerimiskuupäeva saab edasi lükata kuni 7 päeva.

* Kampaania kestab  kuni 18.01.2024
* Soodustused sõltuvad tarkvarast:
Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection -10%
Autodesk Product Design & Manufacturing Collection -10%
AutoCAD LT/LT for Mac -15%
Revit LT Suite -15%
AutoCAD Toolsets  rendilitsents -15%
Fusion 360 1-aastane tellimus kuni 29.01.2024 -30%

Küsi pakkumust Kairelt või helista 5183618.

Autodeski tarkvara kuni -20%, kui annad aegunud püsilitsentsi vastu

Autodesk annab kuni 20% soodustust 1- või 3-aastasele rendilepingule, kui Sul on vastu anda aegunud Autodeski püsilitsents versiooniga (1998-2020). Uus renditav tarkvara ei pea olema täpselt sama, mis vana litsents, millest loobutakse. Aegunud püsilitsentsi asemel võib rentida täiesti uue toote või tarkvarakogumiku (Industry Collection). Ainult LT püsilitsents vahetatakse LT grupi rendilitsentsi vastu.

* Aegunud püsilitsentsil peab olema katkenud Maintenance Plan ehk hooldusleping.
* Aegunud litsents võib olla võrgu- või üksiklitsents ja saab vahetada Single User rendilitsentsiks.
* Tellimuse hetkel tuleb anda aegunud püsilitsentsi seerianumber ja registreerida
* 1-aastaks -15% ja 3-aastaks -20% soodsamalt.
* Vaata kampaania tingimusi Autodeski dokumendist
* Pärast tehingut aegunud püsilitsentsi enam kasutada ei saa.
* Pakkumine kehtib 31. jaanuarini 2021.

Küsi teie firmale kuuluvate Autodeski litsentside nimekiri.

Lisainfo ja pakkumisi küsi või telefonil 5183618 Kaire.

Vaheta aegunud Autodeski püsilitsents rendilitsentsi vastu -25% kuni

Autodeks pikendas antud kampaania lõpptähtaega 24. juulini 2020 seoses maailmas segadust tekitanud COVID-19 tõttu.
Autodesk annab 25% soodustuse 1- või 3-aastasele rendilepingule, kui Sul on vastu anda aegunud Autodeski püsilitsents versiooniga (1998-2020). Uus renditav tarkvara ei pea olema täpselt sama, mis vana litsents, millest loobutakse. Aegunud püsilitsentsi asemel võib rentida täiesti uue toote või tarkvarakogumiku (Industry Collection). Ainult LT püsilitsents vahetatakse LT grupi rendilitsentsi vastu.

* Aegunud püsilitsentsil peab olema katkenud Maintenance Plan ehk hooldusleping enne 31.01.2020.
* Aegunud litsents võib olla võrgu- või üksiklitsents ja saab vahetada Single User rendilitsentsiks.
* Tellimuse hetkel tuleb anda aegunud püsilitsentsi seerianumber ja registreerida
* Vaata kampaania tingimusi Autodeski dokumendist
* Pärast tehingut aegunud püsilitsentsi enam kasutada ei saa.
* Pakkumine kehtib 24. juulini 2020

Küsi teie firmale kuuluvate Autodeski litsentside nimekiri.

Lisainfo ja pakkumisi küsi või telefonil 5183618 Kaire.

Autodeski 3-aastane rendileping kuni 17% soodsamalt

Autodeski kampaania kehtib nii olemasolevatele kui uutele klientidele. Kampaania raames on võimalik pikendada lõppevat 3-aastast rendilepingut või lasta lõppeda 1- või 2-aastasel lepingul ja selle asemele soetada 3-aastane rendileping soodustusega 10%-17%.

* 3-aastane rendileping (multi või single user)
* Lepingud, mis lõppevad kuni 25.04.2019
* Kampaania kestab kuni 25.01.2019
* Soodustus sõltub tarkvarast:
AEC Collection, PD&M Collection ja M&E Collection 3-aasta rendilitsentsi -17%.
AutoCAD, Revit, Civil 3D, Inventor, 3dsMax jt on 3-aasta rendilitsents -15%.
AutoCAD LT ja teised LT grupi toodete 3-aasta rendilitsents -10%.

Küsi pakkumust Kairelt või helista 5183618.

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis 2018 esimene Hotfix


“Autodesk Desktop App” peaks seda sulle pakkuma aga alla võid laadida ka siit.


  1. Job Preferences: the issue related to the material database becoming corrupted after saving material from a model has been fixed.
  2. API (COM): the disabled Thickness check box in the Material Orthotropy Panel Thickness Type dialog has been enabled to allow automatic calculation of thickness values.
  3. The issue related to creating correct panels from the selection of finite elements has been fixed.
  4. A crash while opening RTD files with a linked DWG background and importing *.DWG files has been removed.
  5. A crash caused by setting the SLS:CHR combination type and occurring when opening the Manual Combinations dialog has been removed.
  6. A crash while importing a DXF file in the Section Builder has been removed.
Model Definition
  1. The issue with rotation fields greyed out in the Imposed Displacement dialog has been fixed.
  2. Snow/Wind Loads – Eurocode 1: the issue with Cpi coefficient for structures with dominant face not being included in the calculation note has been fixed.
Analysis and Results
  1. Results: incorrect numbers of panels displayed in the Reduced results for panels tables have been fixed.
  2. Results: incorrect values of the KZ reactions in the diagram legend have been fixed.
  3. Results of Seismic analysis (Equivalent Lateral Force Method) – ASCE 7-10 / IBC 2012: incorrect values of Fa and Fv coefficients for the seismic analysis (equivalent lateral force method) have been fixed.
  4. Results: incorrect display of exponent numbers for Footfall Analysis and Time History Analysis has been fixed.
  5. Stories table: incorrect displacement values at the column base: min UX and min UY displayed in tables and building diagrams have been fixed.
  6. NBCC 2010: the issue which resulted in defined parameters for equivalent static analysis being incorrectly recognized as not compliant with the code has been fixed.
Steel Connections Design
  1. Tube truss node connection – EN 1993-1-8:2005/NA:2007/AC:2009: the issue related to a g 2 value being incorrectly applied after clicking Apply or OK buttons directly after entering a new value in the g 2 field has been fixed.
  2. Splice connection – EN 1993-1-8:2005/AC:2009: the issue related to an incorrect area of a tapered box profile has been fixed.
  3. Beam-to-column with end plate (Frame Knee) connection – EN 1993-1-8:2005/NA:2007/AC:2009: the issue which resulted in creating a new bracket instead of modifying an already existing one has been fixed. The related issue with incorrectly swapped values of bracket web thickness and bracket flange thickness in the newly created bracket has been fixed too.
  4. Column-beam (two-sided) connection – NF EN 1993-1-8:2005/NA:2007/AC:2009: the issue with left side bolts being reset to defaults after calculation has been fixed.
  5. Tube truss node connection: the issue related to incorrect geometrical verification in direction of overlapping diagonals has been fixed.
  6. All steel connections: an incorrect design for code combinations with a number of components exceeding 32 000 has been fixed.
  7. Fixed column base: the distance between flanges when no stiffeners were defined has been corrected.
Steel and Timber Members Design
  1. Steel Design – ANSI/AISC 360-10: the issue related to the verification of ductility limits for moderately ductile columns has been fixed.
  2. Steel Design – NBN EN 1993-1:2005/ANB:2010/A1:2014: the issue related to the use of an incorrect method for LTB (lateral buckling) verification despite the code change has been fixed.
  3. Steel Design – EC3: stability verification for DS EN has been corrected.
  4. Steel Design – EC3: the incorrectly displayed value of Lam_T relative slenderness for the torsional buckling calculation note has been corrected.
  5. Steel Design: the issue in which the verification of a superbar built from different profiles was performed for an incorrect cross section has been fixed.
  6. Steel Design – EC3: calculations of maximal temperature values in relation to Z axis for cross section types have been adjusted.
  7. Steel Design – NF EN 1993-1-1:2005/NA:2013/A1:2014: an incorrect value of C1 for auto load type has been corrected.
  8. Steel Design – SFS-EN 1993-1:2005/NA:2007/A1:2014: the issue related to incorrect verification of the von Mises stresses for I sections has been fixed. The problem was caused by the lack of von Mises stress verification at the ends of flanges.
  9. Steel Design – SFS-EN 1993-1:2005/NA:2007/A1:2014: the issue related to incorrectly calculated interaction coefficient has been fixed.
  10. Steel Design – PN-EN 1993-1:2006/NA:2010/A1:2014: the issue related to the verification for bi-axial bending where no axial force was applied has been fixed.
  11. Steel Design – SE-A:2006: an incorrect value of the reduction factor returned when calculating the web stability under concentrated forces has been fixed.
  12. Timber Design – NF EN 1995-1-1: the issue related to an incorrect material Beta c coefficient used for a timber member type other than Timber column has been fixed.
RC Members Design

RC Beams

  1. A crash during calculations of reinforcement has been removed.
  2. NF EN 1992-1-1/NA:2007: the issue related to the spacing of pins for anti-shrinkage reinforcement according to the BAEL code has been fixed.
  3. The issue related to importing the beam from the model with large dz (offset) value has been fixed.

RC Columns

  1. EN 1992-1-1:2004 AC:2008: the names of eccentricities in the calculation note have been corrected.
  2. The issue related to incorrect verification of column size for drift sensitivity coefficient during the reinforcement calculations has been fixed.
  3. The issue related to incorrect fire verification (incorrect Rs value) with missing provisions for maximal bar spacing has been fixed.
  4. A crash while attempting to open drawings from the RC Component Inspector has been removed.

Autodesk React – Robotile Ribamenüü

Eks meile kõigile on teinud muret asjaolu, et Autodesk ei ole juba aastaid Robot Structural Analysis tarkvarale sisulisi uuendusi välja andnud. Eelmisel nädalal ilmutati Autodeski laborist uue nimega katsetoode – Autodesk React Structures.

Me tõmbasime selle alla, paigaldasime, proovisime ning tuvastasime, et ei ole mõtet oma aega kulutada. Kuigi Autodesk soovib tagasisidet, siis hetkel ei ole midagi sellist, millele tagasisidet anda. React on Robot, millelt on ära võetud kõik dimensioneerimise moodulid ning kasutajaliidesele on lisatud Ribbon. Tekib küsimus, miks ei ole suvatsetud seda Ribbonit varem Robotile külge keevitada!? Miks just nüüd on käes aeg konstruktsioonide projekteerimist ümbermõtestada?

Tegemist on laboratooriumi projektiga ja alles esimese väljalaskega. Loodame, et järgmine väljalase sisaldab juba ka sisulisi uuendusi BIM töövoo osas, mida reklaamlausetega lubatakse. Kliendi seisukohalt tekib küsimus, et kas React on siis päris uus toode ja kui on, mis saab siis Robotist? Meie tahame ka teada. Praegu on meie reaktsioon kerge pettumus.

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2014 värskendus SP1

arsa2014badge 75x75
Esimene värskendus 2014 versioonile. Hetkel saab seda allalaadida ainult läbi Roboti LiveUpdate (vaata järgnevat pilti).
130607 rsa1

Avaneb järgnev lehekülg, kus tuleb vajutada “update”.
130607 rsa2

Kui see ei õnnestu siis võid värskendused leida ka alljärgnevatelt linkidelt:

Soovitame värskenduse paigaladada esimesel võimalsuel.

Selle värskendusega tehakse järmised parandused:

1. Launching the help from the ‘Calculation Manager’ and ‘Delete prepared results’ tools have been fixed.
2. Display of castellated and other special section shapes has been reestablished.
3. Display of tables and steel design notes created by the ‘Frame generator’ has been fixed.
4. Opening of damaged examples (RTD files) has been improved.
5. Import of SDNF files and data from the Autodesk® Inventor® software has been fixed.
6. The random crash observed during bar selection has been fixed.
Model Definition
1. Material assignment for panels defined as ACIS objects has been fixed.
2. Inversion of bracket position and tapered bar slope by the ‘Local Bar Direction…’ command has been removed.
3. Influence of the ‘Detailed correct’ command on rectangle panels (walls) has been fixed.
4. Excessive duplication of bar nodal load when translating a bar along its length has been corrected.
5. Applying linear loads to edges without warnings has been fixed.
6. Potential deletion of nodal loads in structures with shell elements for which no loads (not even self-weight) have been defined has been corrected.
7. Disappearing of tributary areas during the analysis has been fixed.
8. Forcing the division number while defining Coon’s mesh has been fixed.
9. Generation of incorrect rigid links for diaphragms with zero material density has been fixed.
10. Unimportant circular references inside meshes are no longer reported.
11. Unusual slowdown of the model verification has been fixed.
12. Fault operation of the Section Definition module for highly complex sections has been fixed.
13. Display of automatic combination load types has been fixed.
14. Generation of wind loads of undefined value for EN 1991-1-3/4:2005 has been fixed.
15. Fatal error observed during modification of the wind load coefficients for NV65 02/09 has been fixed.
Analysis and Results
1. Freezing the analysis run by ‘Calculation Restart…’ option has been corrected.
2. Display of instability warnings when calculation errors appear has been fixed.
3. The spectrum used in Chilean seismic calculation has been corrected.
4. Disregarding density in modal analysis for claddings or diaphragms without FE meshes has been fixed.
5. Results for 3D models with rotated supports defined by nodes/points (not defined by rotation angles) have been fixed.
6. Taking into account importance class for the horizontal spectrums seismic analysis according to the French Eurocode (NF EN 1998-1/NA:2007 19.juil.2011) has been fixed.
7. Generation of equivalent lateral forces on the highest floor only during a simplified seismic analysis has been corrected.
8. Display of the core wall diagram for stories without masses has been fixed.
9. Inactive dialog controls for displaying reduced forces maps on bars have been removed.
Steel Connections Design
1. Accidental change of the anchorage bolt diameter for the column base has been fixed.
2. Tube connection chord resistance verification for CHS sections has been corrected.
Steel Members Design
1. Steel member internal bracings definition for some codes (SNiP II-23-81, BS5950:2000, BSK99, GB50017-2003) has been fixed.
2. ANSI AISC 360-05: lack of seismic dispositions verifications for manually defined seismic cases and combinations has been fixed.
3. AS4100: undefined result value of the stability check has been fixed.
4. BS EN 1993-1: yield strength values which were previously taken from the general Eurocode are now taken from the British national application.
5. EN 1993-1:2005/AC:2009: k_zy coefficient zero value for not bi-symmetric sections has been replaced by the value calculated according to Table B.2 of Annex B.
6. EC3 (all brands): elastic analysis for sections of class 2 has been fixed.
Timber Members Design
1. NF EN 1995-1:2005/NA:2010: the French version of the Eurocode timber design code (if version 2013 of the software is present) has been unlocked.
R/C Members Design
1. Crash observed while inserting summary table to drawings has been fixed.
2. Overlapping texts on drawing exported to DXF have been corrected.
3. Elements disappearing from the inspector window when re-exporting to the RC modules have been fixed.
4. Crash observed in RC beam design has been fixed.
5. Beam rebar placed in the middle of span is now extended instead of being hooked.
6. Column stirrup arrangement option has been fixed
7. Import of manual combinations for RC column design has been unlocked.
8. Crash observed while trying to add a Continuous Footing view has been locked.
9. The extremely slow import of panels with defined load combinations has been fixed.
10. Memory errors occurring during required reinforcement of slab calculation have been fixed.